Meetings seem to have more champions than does e-mail. Meetings enable you to “look ‘em in the eye” and are personal. These sentiments get to the heart of the main – perhaps the only – advantage of a meeting over other forms of communication: body language makes a meeting a much richer form of communication […]
E-mail Best Practices
E-mail is an oft-pilloried form of communication. It’s sometimes tone-deaf. There’s too much of it. It’s not as immediate as texting or calling. I am reminded of a line attributed to Winston Churchill; “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others.” Similarly, e-mail is flawed, but it’s often the best mode […]
Communication Best Practices
Communication is one of the most important skills in business; perhaps in life. Recently, I saw David Tisch talk about communication best practices in a lecture at Cornell Tech. I agreed with nearly everything he said and made me think someone should write a blog post on the topic. He was kind enough to let […]
Calculating Market Size
One of the most important things that investors (and good entrepreneurs) consider when investing in or starting a business is market size. Even so, my experience has been that the vast majority of entrepreneurs calculate market size incorrectly. I will focus here on what is generally referred to as the Total Addressable Market (TAM) for […]
The Unfair Advantage
I’m often asked what I look for in a company when considering investing. There are a variety of factors that I consider, some of which I’ve written about in other blog posts, many of which other smart people have described eloquently. One important factor that doesn’t get as much attention is what I call the […]